
List of additional health services in the hotel

Service Time Price, Rubles Price for hotel quests, Rubles
Mini sauna 20 min 500 450
Phyto barrel 20 min 500 450
Infrared sauna 30 min 500 450
6-visit pass to mini sauna/phyto barrel/infrared sauna 6 sessions 2 900 2 900
10-visit pass to mini sauna/phyto barrel/infrared sauna 10 sessions 4 300 4 300
Massage session 40 min 220 220
Massage belt 20 min 80 80
Table tennis 1 hour 200 200
Board games (backgammon, checkers, chess) 1 hour 200 200


Number of guests Price, Rubles Price for hotel quests, Rubles/hour
Workdays Weekend Workdays Weekend
08.00 – 18.00 6 1 100 1 300 1 000 1 200
18.00 – 08.00 6 1 300 1 500 1 200 1 400
Extra charge for each person over 6 200 200 200 200

Workout is free of charge for hotel guests if a guest card is presented at the reception

Service Number of sessions Price, Rubles
Workout: 11pm-4pm (next day) 1 session 150
Workout: 4pm-11pm 1 session 200
Gym membership: 11pm-4pm (next day) 8 sessions 1 050
Gym membership: 4pm-11pm 8 sessions 1 400
Gym membership: 11pm-4pm (next day) 12 sessions 1 600
Gym membership: 4pm-11pm 12 sessions 2 150
Gym membership: 11pm-4pm (next day) (1 complementary session in infrared sauna) 24 sessions 3 300
Gym membership: 4pm-11pm (1 complementary session in infrared sauna) 24 sessions 4 400